Photovoltaic fields are increasingly subject to theft of solar panels and copper cables. Being generally located in isolated areas and often unprotected or protected only along the perimeter by traditional protection systems (cameras, underground cables, microwave barriers), photovoltaic systems represent an easy prey for the bad guys who often hit the same system repeatedly. managing to overcome the perimeter barriers and stealing without being localized, panels and copper. Insurance, after repeated theft, no longer protects the property, entailing considerable risks and inconvenience for energy producers.
The company Luci Soc. Agricola, owned by Dr. Sergio Ciriaco, contacted us because it needed a reliable security system for the protection of a 1MWatt photovoltaic system located near Macerata, which in the past had suffered multiple thefts.
In this short interview with Dr. Sergio Ciriaco we try to understand what his specific need was, what results he expected and what benefits he feels he has obtained.

Dr. Ciriaco, what exactly was your need when you contacted us?
“My company’s need was to equip itself with a reliable perimeter security system for the protection of a 1MWatt photovoltaic system which in the past, despite the use of traditional surveillance systems, has suffered several thefts.
I wanted to find a solution that had the following requirements: reliable system, easy to install and maintain, alarms that can also be viewed from SmartPhone and Tablet, reduced energy consumption, Day & Night operation in the absence of auxiliary lighting “.
What result has been achieved?
“Certainly the photovoltaic system has reached high levels of security thanks to the innovative features of the solution proposed by you, which allows you to detect and display in real time the alarms and the position of intruders on the map also from SmartPhone and Tablet, both day and night. The entire plant was protected with a single Thermal Radar sensor and this resulted in an extremely low infrastructure and maintenance cost. The fact that the system has a consumption of less than 10W was then the icing on the cake because it allowed me a considerable energy saving compared to traditional systems and I amortized the cost of the system in a few months “.
What are the main benefits you feel you have gained?
“Certainly the ability to view the alarms and the position on the map of intruders from any device, combined with extremely low consumption and minimal maintenance. In my opinion, the sum of these aspects makes the Thermal Radar truly the ideal solution for the protection of photovoltaic systems ”.

Thermal Radar, distributed in Italy by Crisma Security, is a unique and innovative technology for the immediate detection of a potential perimeter intrusion . The Thermal Radar combines the peculiar characteristics of thermal sensors and their ability to see in the absence of lighting, with the characteristics of rotary radar sensors that allow a 360 ° long-range panoramic scan .
The Crisma Security Solution
Crisma Security has designed and implemented a security solution based on the use of the innovative Thermal Radar technology integrated with the Milestone Video Management platform, with the possibility of viewing alarms, live images and recordings from SmartPhone and Tablet. The entire photovoltaic system from a MegaWatt was protected with a single Thermal Radar sensor.
The limits of perimeter protection systems
The perimeter protection of photovoltaic systems, vineyards, farms, represents a challenge for owners and security officers who often find themselves having to fight repeated thefts over time by customers who are increasingly experienced in tampering with and evading traditional perimeter security systems such as microwave barriers, microphone sensors, underground cables, tracking cameras along the perimeter.
More and more often, despite the presence of such systems, the attacks are successful causing damage for thousands or tens of thousands of euros.
The major limitation of perimeter protection systems is the limited detection capability only along the perimeter line. If an attacker manages to enter the site, he can then move and act within it without being intercepted.
To radically solve the problem it is necessary to adopt an area protection strategy instead of a line one. This solution is represented by the Thermal Radar, distributed in Italy exclusively by Crisma Security.
The advantages of thermal radar
Thermal Radar is a unique and innovative technology for the immediate detection of a potential perimeter intrusion. With a single Thermal Radar it is possible to detect the presence of a person up to 250m radius and a vehicle up to 350m radius, with the possibility of seeing in real time the positioning of the target on the map.
The Thermal Radar performs a 360 ° area monitoring with a single thermal sensor, thus producing a panoramic image with a maximum resolution of 5megapixel, equivalent to that produced by 16 thermal cameras simultaneously.
Thanks to a sophisticated intelligent video analysis system integrated on board, the Thermal Radar automatically detects the presence and position of a potential intruder and sends an alarm signal via email or SMS through the Ethernet, WiFi, GSM or satellite network.
The extremely compact dimensions and low consumption allow the system to be used even with solar panels, furthermore the flexibility of the communication methods of the alarm signals makes the system easy to install and maintain even in remote areas without electricity and data.
By paying attention to the choice of accessory components (industrial PC, 4G modem, etc.) and by selecting devices with low consumption characteristics, significant annual energy savings can be achieved by using the truck instead of the traditional safety system.
Projecting this savings over time, it is easy to understand that an investment in the acquisition of a Thermal Radar guarantees an increase in the safety level of the plant and at the same time an interesting ROI through energy savings and reduced maintenance costs.