We have it all
under control

It is our job

Research & innovation

to always offer the best solutions.

Crisma Security was born in 2013 with HQ in Rome and operational headquarters in Ugento (LE).

Always focused on physical security and innovation, we have brought cutting-edge solutions to Italy, such as Radar sensors and Thermal Radars, ahead of market times. We continue to propose new technologies to respond to the unresolved needs of our customers, anticipating and responding to new challenges and market needs.

Our mission is to overturn the paradigm of traditional video surveillance and security, raising the level of innovation, performance and reliability, offering georeferenced systems for the protection of areas and not just the perimeter line.

Our goal is to create hieroreferenced, active, automated safety systems, by installing a few long range sensors in the field to obtain a low number of false alarms, high performance even in adverse weather conditions, limited maintenance cycles and therefore make it easy to complex system to optimize and facilitate the work of security personnel.


Make it simple
a sistem


Disrupt the paradigm
of video surveillance


We are a serious and reliable team, with high professionalism and technical skills. Our ability to understand and anticipate customer needs allows us to be quick in replying, always available, trusted and professional partners.

Download code of ethicsIntegrated quality and information security policy


Crisma Security is always attentive to the development of skills, which is why its technical staff has achieved numerous certifications in various sectors falling within its sphere of activity. Through important partnerships at national and international level, it guarantees its customers the best in terms of skills and technologies.


Head Office

Via Durban, 2-4
00144 Rome
E-mail: sales@crismasecurity.it
Tel. +39 06 89762037
Fax +39 06 69486042

Ugento (LE)

Branch Office

Via San Vito, 2
73059 Ugento (LE)



We are constantly looking for professionals who are passionate about their work.
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