

Next generation intelligent video walls

Anywall is a software solution developed by Crisma Security for the management of new generation intelligent videowall systems.

AnyWall is able to easily manage the displacement of contents on the monitors of a Control Room by organizing the layout in the best possible way, amplifying the ability to analyze the situation and allowing more informed and aware decisions .

Through Anywall it is possible to manage video streams from security cameras, information from SCADA systems, alarm events and management applications with the ability to flexibly organize the space and location of each content on the videowall. In particular, using the layout templates, it is possible to appropriately pre-configure the contents and arrange them on multiple monitors in order to quickly switch from one view to another .

Unlike traditional hardware-based solutions, Anywall offers a software-based architecture where all video contributions are conveyed over an Ethernet network.

These features make the solution suitable not only for the walls of large companies , with dozens of monitors, but also for smaller realities , with few units, up to the management, for example, of a Control Room with only 4 monitors.

AnyWall manager demo

Technical features

The AnyWall architecture is very simple and requires the use of low cost standard monitors and PCs to control one or more monitors. In some cases the PC can be integrated directly into the monitor for better management and optimization of space. Each PC / Monitor pair constitutes a display unit which represents the heart of the system.

In its basic functionality, each monitor can be split up to 16 video windows, each with different content. Within the wall, each display unit takes care of showing the images of its portion of the videowall. All the PCs together, working in parallel, compose the general layout, distributing the computational load to the maximum and thus avoiding those performance limits typical of central units.

AnyWall consists of the following software modules:

  • AnyWall Manager : is the management module which contains the configuration information of the VideoWall system, the number of monitors that compose it, the list of contents available to be projected on the VideoWall, the management of access profiles. AnyWall Manager is accessible through a simple browser from PC and Tablet, it is very simple and intuitive thanks to a Drag & Drop graphic interface it is possible to configure one or more VideoWall walls with their contents and layout.
  • AnyWall DisplayNode : is the software module that is installed on the PCs that are connected to the monitors. Each Displaynode receives configuration information from AnyWall Manager, on the basis of which the content to be displayed on the single Monitor of the VideoWall is defined. The DisplayNode module is only available for Windows 10 or higher operating system.
  • AnyWall DesktopSender is a software module that allows the capture of the Desktop images of any Windows PC and their subsequent arrangement in any position and size on the Videowall. The DesktopSender module must be installed on the Windows PC whose desktop you want to project.
  • AnyWall VideoEncoder : is a hardware module that is connected to the video output of any positive and makes it available as content to be projected on the VideoWall. AnyWall Encoder is used in cases where it is not possible to use the DesktopSender module (eg PC linux, embedded Network Video Recorder etc.).
  • AnyWall Streaming Unit is a software module that, through a PC and audio / video capture cards, allows you to capture and broadcast the images of videoconferences, analog cameras, TV / SAT decoders, etc. via the network.


It does not require any proprietary hardware and consequently no lockin on a specific brand

Distributed and flexible modular architecture with minimal wiring and footprint

High reliability as it eliminates the 'star center' constituted by the only computer through which all the images pass

Integration into existing systems: all functions are accessible via HTTP / XML protocol

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